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Stories from Ficksburg

This office is on the border with Lesotho. Nomaswazi Tshabalala runs the office. The radio partner is Setsotho FM.

Human Traffic Hotspot in Ficksburg

Human Traffic Hotspot in Ficksburg

Ficksburg is a hotspot for traffickers, according to one of CJN’s paralegal-journalists Nomaswazi Tshabalala. She says that people are lured in from Lesotho because they are promised better opportunities in South Africa and then they are kidnapped while they are...

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Consumer Rights Act

Consumer Rights Act   As a consumer you have certain rights and you must know your rights and consumers should be aware that they are entitled to enforce their rights.Listen to Noma speak on...

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CJN trains community paralegals to be radio journalists.
To do this we are partnered with the following advice offices and radio stations

Orange Farm Human Rights Centre
Thetha FM

Kgatelopele Social Development Forum
(Northern Cape)
Kurara FM

Messina Legal Advice Centre
Musina FM

Amaoti Community Resource Centre
Inanda FM

Interchurch Local Development Agency
(Eastern Cape)
Nkqubela FM (KQ FM)

Ficksburg Advice Centre
(The Free State, on the border with Lesotho)
Setsoto FM

Senzokuhle Advice Centre
Voice of the community (VOC FM )

Ventersdorp Human Rights Legal Network
(North West)
Star FM

Dobsonville Human Rights Centre
Sloot FM

Lebo Nyelele (Independent Paralegal)
(Free State)
The Rock FM

Kwaguca Advice Office
Emalahleni FM

Amaotana Community Advice Office
Izwi Lomzanzi FM

Letlhabile Network Against Abuse & HIV/AIDS
(North West)

Eastern Cape Human Rights Legal Advice Office
(Eastern Cape)

Previous partnerships

Jersey Farm Advice and Information Centre
(Eastern Cape)

On average, every day a paralegal journalist with the help of CJN produces a piece of social justice content to be broadcast on a partner radio station.