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Are your rights being denied? The South African constitution recognises the rights of so many including the elderly. In recent years it has come to light that some family members, friends, businesses and public service providers do not always respect and consider the importance of those rights. Recently Daniel Dibe spoke on elderly rights on Star FM.

Dibe spoke on how the some elderly are neglected, abused, hurt, insulted, confined and exploited by their children or caregivers. The aim of the show was to bring to light these actions and motivate against the practices, and also shed light on what is acceptable.

Dibe further quoted the Older Persons Act, no. 13 of 2006 which the act promotes and maintains the rights, status, wellbeing, and safety and security of older persons, according to the South African Constitution.

We cannot dispute that some elderly people are treated with the utmost care and respect, but some are denied certain rights like the right to access to adequate health care, the right of access to information, and the right of access to ongoing education and some caregivers deem them incapable.

Dibe also wanted to shed light on this epidemic and urge people irrespective of the relation to the elderly person to report such doings. There are also many other helpful individuals and service providers that can help such as O Help Elder Abuse Line (HEAL), telephone toll-free 0800 00 30 81 O Magistrate’s Courts/Equality Courts O Police stations O A neighbour, religious leader or traditional leader. If your rights as an older person are being violated — or if you want to help someone who is being abused, neglected or exploited — then contact SAHRC offices.