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With the recent state of the economy, consumer spending has gone down in South Africa significantly but that does not mean that reckless spending is not founded amongst some consumers. This has prompted some to using loyalty points to buy food.

In recent years the consumer right protection needed to be fully enforced as suppliers of services were carelessly borrowing without taking note of the person state of income or affordability, which led to some debts have to be written off.

What then comes to mind is what is consumer protection act all about, according our paralegal-journalist from Musina Advice office Phale Hendrick , its laws that “protect the interests of all consumers, ensure accessible, transparent and efficient redress for consumers who are subjected to abuse or exploitation in the marketplace and also to give effect to internationally recognised consumer rights” , During his narration he emphasised that he wanted to help the community of Musina understand their  consumer rights. Because as consumer we are sometime have a blurred understanding of our rights when it comes to a supplier.

CJN set about designing a show that explained The South African Consumer Protection Act, No 68 of 2008 which was signed on 24 April 2009.  The topic has been aired across some of the partner radio station by our paralegal journalists. (During the week of the 17th to the 23rd of July).

“I wanted to help the community of Musina understand their consumer rights”




Listen to Musina advice office discuss important social justice issues every Friday at 9 am on Musina FM.