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The event took place as an Annual Award Ceremony and ntate Bricks was one of the nominees. This included promoting the principles contained in the Constitution through undertaking pro bono legal work. Pro Bono invited Social justice NGOs and Community Advice Offices to highlight a case, project or initiative they undertook.


  1. Award for the most impactful case, project or initiative undertaken by a private law firm in 2015 (either started, in progress or completed). This would be defined as a case, project or initiative that will have a marked impact on the lives of a group of people and that will enable that group’s lives to be significantly improved in line with the rights contained in the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
  2. Award to a law firm without a dedicated pro bono department that has demonstrated great dedication and commitment to undertaking pro bono work in 2015.
  3. Award to a law firm with a dedicated pro bono department that has demonstrated great dedication and commitment to undertaking pro bono work in 2015.
  4. Environmental Law Award. Environmental NGOs are invited to nominate lawyers that have done exceptional pro bono legal work for them that enhanced the realisation of Section 24 of the Constitution.
  5. The Constitutionalism Award. This is an award for a print publication, radio or TV station that has shown a commitment to Constitutionalism in its coverage of social justice issues in 2015.
  6. The Advocate Award. Bar Councils, NGOs and law firms are invited to nominate advocates who have shown extraordinary commitment and dedication to undertaking pro bono work during 2015.
  7. Law Student at a University Law Clinic Award. This award recognises a high level of commitment and dedication by a law student to his or her work at a university law clinic in 2015.


  1. The Legal Aid SA Award. Legal Aid SA will select a pro bono practitioner or service provider that has shown dedication and commitment to undertaking pro bono work for Legal Aid SA during 2015.
  2. Law Society of the Northern Provinces (LSNP) Award. The LSNP will select an award winner from among its members that has shown a high level of dedication and commitment to undertaking pro bono work in 2015.
  3. Director’s Special Mentions. The National Director of ProBono.Org will give five awards to attorneys, advocates or law firms that have made Section 36 of our Constitution real for impoverished members of our community by going the extra mile in their dedication and commitment.